By scientific definition, hypnosis is "an artificially created state of partial sleep in conjunction with an altered state of mind".
  In other words: a hypnotic trance resp. sleep-like condition, induced by suggestions, in order to gain direct access to the subconsciousness.
Since the antiquity, hypnosis is a well known and very established method for mental and physical healing and relaxation.
It is a very effective and smooth method to cure and heal body and soul without the use of drugs.
The way hypnosis works, can be best described with the "pyramid of consciousness":
The so-called censor prevents, that the subconsciousness can be addressed directly, when you are in waking state. In this case, the censor acts like a filter and its task is to protect the subconsciousness.
The censor is not active in dormancy, but still the subconciousness can't be addressed directly.
Now hypnosis "comes into play": this censor is switched off in the state of hypnosis (hypnotic trance), so that the subconsciousness is directly accessible and open for suggestions.
Why is it so important to switch off the censor?
With a switched off censor it is possible to directly address the subconsciousness and its stored personal positive or negative events and experiences with suggestions.
The goal of the hypnosis is to switch off the censor between the consciousness and the subconsciousness, so that the wanted changes/suggestions reach the subconsciousness filterless and hence are finally accepted.
This is of particular importance, because unsolved traumatic events and experiences, that are repressed or saved in the subconsciousness, often cause physical and/or mental disorders.
These negative experiences will be resolved resp neutralised by suggestions during the hypnosis, so that the traumas permanently lose their negative impact on body and soul.
Not only symptoms are fought and removed successfully like this, also the reasons, that cause the problems, are finally resolved in a sustained manner.
Hypnosis has the ability to achieve relief and healing for many physical and mental afflictions.
Hypnosis therapy proved successful to fight fears (fear of heights, exam anxiety), addictions (smoking, alcohol aso) and compulsions.
Also psychosomatic disorders such as PTSD, spot baldness or psoriasis can be successfully eased or even healed.
Furthermore, overweight can be permanently reduced with hypnosis very well.
Needless to say, that hypnosis is also perfect for stress-relief and deep relaxation!
Specially now, in these burdening Corona times, stress-relief is even more necessary, as it already was before Corona.
Common errors concerning hypnosis
Hypnosis isn't sleep, abulia, loss of control, unconsciousness or betrayal of secrets.
The hypnotised client always keeps the control and can't be manipulated against the clients' will.
Therapeutic and relaxation hypnosis doesn't have much in common with the notorious and media hyped "show hypnosis" resp mass hypnosis.
You can't get stuck in the state of hypnosis.
You don't necessarily see pictures while you are in hypnotic state.
Hypnosis is a safe method and doesn't cause any significant side-effects.