Personal Reading Video Reading Reading by Phone Combined advising Tarot/Hypnosis PRICES
In these uncertain and difficult times, I stand by your side and be on hand with help and advice!
I will divine your future with my unique tarot spread, called the Elements.
Whether it concerns health, job, finances or love; I'll give you certainty and clarity, bring light into the darkness and reveal your personal opportunities as well as ways out of problems.
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I'm happy to be available for your personal or video Tarot reading from Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm. Appointments for a personal or video Tarot reading are only possible with an advance reservation.
My fee required phone service under the number 0901 17 00 17 (Fr. 2.50/Min.) is available from Monday - Friday 9am to 7pm. No advance reservation needed in case you want to use my Tarot phone service.
Personal or video Tarot readings can be booked by phone (+41 79 796 35 65), E-Mail and Appointy or just send me an instant message in Instagram or Facebook.
Required videosoftware: Zoom, Skype or Microsoft Teams
Don't hesitate to call me on my mobile phone or contact me directly by E-Mail, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp, if you want to know more about me and my Tarot services.
I'm looking forward to your message !
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My unique and exclusive combined Tarot/Hypnosis-Service helps you to discover and get to the bottom of the causes for your problems or disorders and solve them permanently.
After a short briefing, I'll first divine your future and look at your past with my tarot cards. Like this I can collect more information about your condition and personal experiences.
Many personal problems, health issues or diseases are rooted in the past and often have a big impact on the personal present, future and well-being.
The reason for such problems are mostly fateful or formative personal events, like traumas, losses and all sorts of physical and emotional injuries
Such events embed deep in the subconciousness and are deeply displaced into the subconciousness.
This causes all sorts of personal issues. As long as these events are neither processed properly nor its consequences accepted, they will still have a large impact on daily life and experience.
When the root cause for your issue(s) is indentified in the Tarot reading, I'll start healing your afflictions with Hypnosis session(s).
The subconciousness, where all experiences and events are stored, can be easily accessed in the state of hypnosis. Therefore it is possible to return to the point of the initial event, where your afflictions and problems started. Once we return to this initial point, while you are hypnotised, we can trigger the subconciousness to overcome this event and so heal your problems and afflications permanently.
My new unique and exclusive combined Tarot/Hypnosis-Service allows you to permanently stop and remove negative impacts of traumatic events on your personal present and future.
Also karmic entanglements can be revealed and resolved very well using my new combined Tarot/Hypnosis service.
Just contact me if you like to find out more about my new and unique combined Tarot/Hypnosis-service and my Tarot reading services.
I'm looking forward to your message and I'm always happy to help you !
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Brief video or personal Tarot Reading including short briefing (30 min) CHF   60.--
Video or personal Tarot Reading including short briefing (1 hour) CHF 100.--
Every additional 15 minutes (in general) CHF   30.--
Tarot reading by phone 0901  17 00 17 CHF 2.50/Min.
Combined advising Tarot/Hypnosis appr. 2.5 hours CHF 450.--
Initial Tarot reading (1 hour)
1 Hypnosis session including detailed briefing (appr. 1.5 hours)
Every additional hypnosis session including review (appr. 1 hour) CHF 150.--
Every additional 15 minutes (in general) CHF   40.--