There are uncountable Tarot spreads in order to collect and read the information, that the universe is transmitting through the Tarot cards.
"The Celtic Cross", "The decision game", "The Path" or "The Love game" are only 4 out of many oracles, that are used for fortune telling. |
Even so "The Elements", this unique and since years established Tarot spread, has proven to be the most accurate oracle.
It is the perfect Tarot spread for a clear reading of the information, that the universe transmits through the Tarot cards or its pictures and energies. |
The oracle "The Elements" allows a very deep, overall insight into the soul and its fate. Therefore it is my favourite Tarot spread. |
This Tarot spread suits very well to get to the bottom of problems and their reasons.
Strenghts and weaknesses of those who seek advice are revealed relentlessly. |
In particular the Tarot cards appear as a mirror of the subconciousness in "The Elements" oracle. |
The reasons for a certain "negative behaviour", health issues or problems at work and in (love) relationships can be revealed wonderfully with this unique Tarot spread. |
Mostly, the clients seeking advice have a certain view on their issues and problems and are usually aware in which direction they have to go; but they often fail to do so, due to a lack of consequence. Therefore a subtle uncertainty still remains, which almost always can be resolved through this oracle. |
That's how you draw the cards: |
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The first card is placed on position 1 right of center "the East" |
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The second card is for position 2 left of center "the West" |
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The third card is located on position 3 below of center "the South" |
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The fourth card for position 4 above of center "the North" |
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The fifth card on Position 5 in the center; this is the significator (the 5th element) |
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The sixth card is located on position 6 between "South" und "West" quasi "the Southwest" |
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The seventh card is for position 7 between "North" and "West" quasi "the Northwest" |
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The eighth card is placed on Position 8 between "North" and "East" quasi "the Northeast" |
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The ninth card at last on position 9 between "South" and "East" quasi "the Southeast" |
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The tenth card on position 10 is not drawn, but calculated; this is the quintessence |
For the above pictured oracle, the digit sum is 7 (the Chariot): 17+1+1+19+2+6+1+3+2 = 52 ➔ 5+2 = 7 |
This is the meaning of the cards: |
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Position 1 represents the element Air, spirit and mind ➔ THINKING and CONSCIOUSNESS |
What crosses Your mind ➔ YOUR THOUGHTS |
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Position 2 represents the element Water, feelings and sense ➔ FEELING and SUBCONSCIOUSNESS |
What lies close to Your heart ➔ YOUR FEELINGS |
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Position 3 represents the element Fire, vitality and experiences ➔ ACTING and MOVING |
What pushes You ➔ YOUR LIFEPOWER |
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Position 4 represents the element Earth, the tangible and the body ➔ BEING and MATERIALITY |
What accompanies You ➔ YOUR REALITY |
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Position 5 represents the "element" Ether, the soul and sum of the 4 elements ➔ THE ESSENTIAL |
What it revolves around ➔ THE GIST OF THE MATTER |
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Position 6 represents the planet Saturn, the guardian of the edge ➔ OBSTACLES and BLOCKADES |
Where Your limitations are, there it falters ➔ YOUR LIMITS |
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Position 7 represents the planet Venus, the love ➔ FAMILY and FRIENDS |
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Position 8 represents the planet Jupiter, fortune and success ➔ OPPORTUNITIES and CHANCES |
The road to happiness ➔ YOUR CHANCES OF SUCCESS |
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Position 9 represents the planet Mars, will and energy ➔ IMPULSE and DETERMINATION |
This is where strenght and power are needed ➔ YOUR WILLPOWER AND POSSIBLE CONFLICTS |
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Position 10 represents the Quintessence, what is still hidden, but will soon be unveiled ➔ WHERE IT LEADS TO |
What lies below the surface, but will soon manifest ➔ WHAT THE FUTURE BRINGS |
Additional meanings of the cards: |
These meanings can be taken from the combinations and additionally its quintessences (🜀) listed below. |
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Card 1 (Air) ➔ Card 9 (Mars) ➔ Card 3 (Fire) ➔ (🜀) AIM OF LIFE and WILL |
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Card 3 (Fire) ➔ Card 6 (Saturn) ➔ Card 2 (Water) ➔ (🜀) SPIRITUALITY |
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Card 2 (Water) ➔ Card 7 (Venus) ➔ Card 4 (Earth) ➔ (🜀) HARMONY and SENSUALITY |
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Card 4 (Earth) ➔ Card 8 (Jupiter) ➔ Card 1 (Air) ➔ (🜀) LEARNING and REALISATION |
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Card 9 (Mars) 🡆 Card 5 (Ether) 🡄 Card 7 (Venus) ➔ (🜀) RELATIONS(HIPS) |
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Card 8 (Jupiter) 🡆 Card 5 (Ether) 🡄 Card 6 (Saturn) ➔ (🜀) ROAD OF DESTINY |
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Card 2 (West) 🡆 Card 5 (Ether) 🡄 Card 1 (East) ➔ (🜀) INSIGHTS |
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Card 4 (North) 🡆 Card 5 (Ether) 🡄 Card 3 (South) ➔ (🜀) BEHAVIOUR PATTERNS |
🜁 🜄 ⛥ 🜂 🜃 |