Born in Switzerland, at home in the world and the universe. |
The pictures above offer you an additional view on my world and roots of this and other lives I lived. |
A short sentence, which is my life motto, describes me best: |
An it harm none, do what thou wilt! |
For this life, the universe decided to send my soul to Basel, where i saw the light of day at the end of the 60s. |
Basel, located in the magical Belchen triangle (Dreilaendereck) of the 3 moon hills Blauen and the 3 sun hills Belchen. |
The universe certainly knows, why my soul has just been sent to this special place..... |
I already discovered my spiritual streak at young age and sensed, that something must be existing beyond the Known. |
At the same time my big fascination for the extrasensory, for myths and legends, the mystical and inexplicable started. |
Prophetic dreams, knowing sites, despite I haven't been there before, meeting souls, that you seem to know for ages already.... |
Who knows, maybe you have already experienced the same as well.... |
There must be more as we already know and are aware of! |
So I started my spiritual way of life; which means to explore the unfathomable and see the unknown. |
Encounter other human beings truthfully, honestly and friendly, learn from the up and down in life, help wherever it's possible. |
Where do me and you come from, where are we going, past and future, becoming and passing away.... |
One of the tools, that the spiritual world offers to bring light into the darkness, is Tarot. |
35 years ago, I therefore dedicatd myself to Tarot, in order to penetrate into the big and small secrets of the universe, |
in order to get my questions answered and first of all: to be on hand with help and advice for humans, who seek help. |
Another powerful tool, that the universe has on hand, is Hypnosis; the journey into the subconciousness and past lives. |
Much that happens to us in present and future, has its roots in the subconciousness and past. |
Hypnosis can heal spiritual wounds, open new sights, answer your open questions and heal psychic and physical afflictions. |
Hypnosis views into the subconciousness, into the past and past lives are views into the soul and the soul's cosmic origin. |
Life means constant learning; through yearslong Tarot practice, continuing education and self-studies of many spiritual areas, |
I acquired vast knowledge and broad experience. Of course you can benefit from it during your personal treatment. |
I recharge my batteries and get power and inspiration, when I am traveling to my spiritual power places all over the world. |
The pictures on this webpage may give you more clues about where and what these magical and powerful places are... |
Now, you know a little bit more about who I am and my personal career. |
I'd be glad to be on hand with my experience, psychic power and empathy to help and back you up! |
There's always a way out of the shadows into the light! |